The truth about water

It is not necessary to drink as much water as people say.
An adult’s body consists of 60% water that renews itself every 6 weeks.
Per day, the body loses 2.6l of water that needs to be replaced again.
Therefore, proper hydration is essential.

The WHO recommends 1.5L of water per day via drink and 1L via food.
These amounts can vary depending on your activities, temperature and dietary habits.

Regular consumption of water is the healthiest way to hydrate yourself: water contains no calories, no additives and is pH neutral.
Natural mineral water is an excellent choice thanks to its consistent quality, taste and handiness.


Natural mineral water:
– Is pure in origin, does not undergo any treatment and must be bottled at the source.
– Has a stable mineral composition over time.

Spring water can have different sources with different compositions, which can change over time.

Tap water can have different sources.
Thus, it has variable composition and unstable mineral composition.
Tap water is often chemically treated to make it potable.