The first time sauna

Those who come to the sauna do so to enjoy peace and quiet, to escape from everyday stimuli, and to simply “be” instead of always doing.
We list a few “do’s and don’ts” intended to provide insight into how you yourself can optimally enjoy the benefits of sauna while contributing to a pleasant experience for everyone.

  • Listen carefully to your body.
    Don’t warm up too quickly and, above all, cool down sufficiently between sauna sessions.
  • Eat enough, without overdoing it.
    Sweating on an overfull stomach is not pleasant.
  • Drink plenty of water.
    Excessive alcohol consumption is strongly discouraged.
  • In every spa you have the opportunity to eat and drink something.
    So a picnic from home is not allowed.
  • Smartphones, cameras and other electronic devices are prohibited.
  • Sports bags and other opaque bags are also not allowed.
  • A book, glasses and sunscreen are allowed, provided you put them in a clear plastic bag.
  • You are not allowed to reserve deck chairs.
    This way you give everyone the opportunity to rest close by after a sauna session.
  • Physical contact is prohibited at all times and in some cases may even lead to (permanent) exclusion.
  • Silence is golden.
    In a sauna, complete silence is the norm.

Any questions?
At A walk around the sauna you can read a little more about wearing a bathrobe, how many towels it’s best to bring, and more!